ESP Adelaide

Vale Bill Mollison

Sad day for permaculturalists around the world with the passing of co-founder Bill Mollison. His ideas on permanent agriculture were the essence of what is now food security and sustainability.

His first work, although more an essay in book format, formed the core thinking from which thousands of ‘disciples’ would develop methods and techniques for creating an ecology for living.

We are all the richer for his contribution. Enjoy this video (produced circa 1989) of Bill explaining how Permaculture came about.

See also

ABC 2016,  Tributes flow in for permaculture ‘father’ Bill Mollison, viewed on 27 September 2016,

Holmgren, D 2016, Bill Mollison passes, viewed on 27 September, 2016

Mollison, B 1989, Bill Mollison In Grave Danger of Falling Food 1989, viewed on Youtube 29 September 2016,

Permaculture Australia 2016, Farewell Bill Mollison, viewed on 26 September 2016,

Permaculture (UK) 2016, Bruce Charles ‘Bill’ Mollison 1928-2016, viewed on 27 September 2016,

Wikipedia 2016, Bill Mollison, viewed 0n 27 September 2016

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